Architecture and You: 3 Truths
every architect is different
Architecture is an incredibly diverse practice, and this diversity is contributed to by a broad range of personalities and skill-sets.
There is no set of personality traits, knowledge or skills that will define whether architecture is right for you. There is no line in the sand between those who are suited to being architects and those who are not.
“Architecture is way of seeing the world, a way of understanding of how people, places and things can operate together and enhance one another.”
Certainly, a keen analytical mind, interest in culture, creativity, and ability to communicate with words and drawings might align with the role of an architect, and that might help you study architecture. But so too might tenacity, adeptness with computer programmes, or great marketing and relationship-building skills.
So what is the biggest determining factor as to whether architecture is right for you?
Whether you are interested in it.
So stay interested. Feed your interest. Be prepared to work hard, and to do some things you might not be the best at. But remember that your particular skill-set and personality is what makes your contribution to architecture so valuable.
not everyone who studies architecture becomes an architect
In fact, only a small percentage of graduates go on to become Registered Architects in New Zealand. Does that mean than an Architecture Degree isn't worth it? Of course it doesn't.
Becoming a Registered Architect is only one possible career pathway. Others go on to forge exciting paths in adjacent fields: architectural journalism or photography,product or furniture design, academia, or fashion and shoe design. Some branch off into landscape, project management, urban and interior design fields. Others enjoy practising in non-conventional ways, for example combining art and architecture,or try their hand at seemingly unrelated areas: entrepreneurship, systems analysis, policy advising.
Beyond these related paths, architects are often sought after in a wide range of roles for their ability to think creatively, analytically, and to move from the big picture to the working details. The skills you are encouraged to fine tune during architecture degree will set you up for a wide range of opportunities.
architecture is a way of understanding the world
Architecture is a passion - and the more you practice it, the more that passion grows.
You won't necessarily be head-over-heels, absolutely sure of your life path when you take the first steps. But that uncertainty will only help you to open your eyes and make discoveries beyond your expectations.
Architecture is way of seeing the world, a way of understanding of how people, places and things can operate together and enhance one another. But best of all, architecture is the joyful knowledge that when those three things come together just so, our experience of being in the world just sings.
Architecture brings a richness to life, and one of the joys of studying architecture is developing this way of seeing with others.
Of course, just because architecture is a passion doesn’t mean it isn’t also other things - a job, an offering, a skillset, a mindset, a contribution, or a gift.